Hello everyone! In this article, I want to share with you my friendship story. A special story that defines timeless friendship. True friendship in the modern world is hard to find. People are more challenged, busy, and difficult to please at times. However, my story is about true friendship that evolves with age and time. It describes the characteristics of a true friendship and recognizing the enduring nature of meaningful connections.
Let me start introducing my dear childhood friend. I met her when I was around thirteen years old. I am few months older than her. We became friends despite of our minor differences. We made childhood promises and vows to each other. Built our future plan in our little minds not knowing our destiny and fate. Our families were not rich but very family oriented people.
The Story of a Timeless Bond
Several years past, as we grew older, the real life trials came by. We drifted apart and got completely separated by life’s circumstances. Both of us moved on and built our lives without each other. We learned life the hard way until we both became successful career woman, wife, and mother. Time past, no contact or communications. Not having any cell phone added to this difficulty of communication and finding each other.
Until one day, when the power of social media arrived https://amzn.to/48dntVq, the powerful discovery of reconnecting long-lost friends were found. Three decades past and the moment of reunion with unbroken true friendship bond was re-born. The role of shared history and memories in sustaining friendship was ignited one more time.
When Nothing Changes: The Stability of True Connection
The magic, spark, and phenomenon of picking up right where we left off was indescribable. We spent hours and hours catching up. Hugged each other after knowing how we conquered and won the difficult life battles we endured. The unique psychological perspectives on long-term friendships was defined. Our friendship’s immunity to time’s passage was at hand. The feeling of happiness about our unchanged dynamics signify a rock-solid friendship foundation.
We talked and shared our individual stories like we never got separated from each other for more than three decades. It seems that we only slept overnight and waking up a new day. Our feeling for each other were the same – nothing changed. We cared and loved each other like true-blood sisters, exactly how we felt during our younger years together. The only difference was, we now have our wonderful husbands and grown-up children.
New Generation, Ancient Bonds: When Our Children Become Friends
Our friendship story became significant to our children. The new generation and the delight of watching our children form their own friendships were unbelievable. Friendship as a legacy passed down through generations. How our friendships influence our children’s social connections. It became an inspiration to them that a true friendship exists because they witnessed it first hand. We are hoping that fostering friendship between our children of long-time friends will last forever.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank my best friend and her daughter for coming over and celebrating the holiday season with us. You guys traveled thousands of miles to be with us. A worthy reunion and memorable one. We will see you again soon.
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